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Opinion Person Of The Month: Toby Rydell

Skateboarding comes with a lot of stereotypes—have you ever faced judgment for being a skater? How did you handle it?

Only positive really skating is a very cool sport and many others would agree.

How do you think fashion and skate culture help people express themselves without worrying about others’ opinions?

I think it is in are nature to care about what others think, but when you decide to live your life for yourself and chase the goals you want and not what others want you will be set free from your own prison.

Streetwear is all about confidence and individuality—have you ever been judged for how you dress? How did you stay true to your style?

I pay it no mind if I get hate or negative feedback on outfits I like to wear and I am grateful for the positive compliments I do get.

How does the clothing you wear represent you as a person? Why do you wear what you wear?

I think clothes are just an an enhancement to you, I would say I love how I look in a more basic all black outfit or a very loud styled one. Why I say this is because your clothes are supposed to be to enhance you so make sure your taking care of yourself first like eating healthy and working out and anything will look great on you.

Have you ever worn something that people didn’t “get” at first, but you rocked it anyway?

Yeah of course there’s time wear you rock something that people don’t really see the same way you do and that’s ok, everyone’s entitled to there own opinions and what they like and don’t like.

What advice would you give to someone struggling with self-doubt because of negative opinions from others?

The sooner you get over that struggle the sooner you can be whatever you want to be, whether that’s a famous model or influencer, or maybe a stock broker on Wall Street, or maybe just a humble quite life away, you won’t be where you want to be in life if you don’t take action to make your dreams a reality. If other people shame or judge your dreams and you give in and believe the negative words telling you to stay in the same place, “that your life is good how it is now why risk it,” You will never take the risk and you will never know your true potential, that thought I hope scares you, worries you enough to make a change for the better and chase your goals and dreams no matter what.

How do you hope your story inspires others who may feel held back by external opinions?

I hope my influence brings you the motivation, strength, and courage to make your own destiny and do good on this world, for the short amount of time we spend on it :)

Instagram : Tobyturtlez

TikTok: Tobyturtlez

Youtube: Tobyturtles